does my ex think about me

Will My Ex Think About Me On Valentine's Day?

Craig (00:00):

Today. We're going to be talking about, will my ex think about me on Valentine's day? Well, if you're going through a breakup, that's a particularly difficult day. Yeah. And you are pretty much obsessing about your ex that day. Unot necessarily where they're at or what they're doing, but you just keep thinking about them. It's going to be everywhere because love is going to be everywhere on TV.

Margaret (01:08):

Absolutely. You cannot get away from social

Craig (01:10):

Media. You see what friends are doing? You hear what friends are doing and it just makes you feel awful. Yeah. So you're thinking about them nonstop, right? And so you're like, are they even thinking about me?

Margaret (01:24):

Or have they just moved on?

Craig (01:27):

To me? I think how could they not think about you? Right. That's right. How could they not think about you when, even if they're not wanting to be with you, even if they don't want a relationship right now, how could they not think about the person that they've spent, you know, probably last Valentine's day with, for many of you and how would they not be able to think about what you did last Valentine's day? I think that's a big thing.

Margaret (01:57):

Absolutely. You're going to remember what you did last year. Yeah. Or at any happy Valentine's days of the past. Of course.

Craig (02:06):

You know, when a holiday comes up, I think we often are reminded of the last one, you know, last Christmas last, last birthday. Yeah. And so I think it's normal. And how could they, you just can't put a push that out of your unconscious.

Margaret (02:21):

No, it is impossible to move on and never think back.

Craig (02:26):

Yeah. And even though you feel like they're not wondering how you're doing, maybe they've said we're never going to date again. I don't care about you anymore. Even if they're dating somebody new, it doesn't mean that they're not going to think about you. It's just the way we're wired.

Margaret (02:42):

Right. It's the way we're wired,

Craig (02:43):

The attachment that we have to other people is just so overwhelming. Those intrusive thoughts, they're going to experience it too. Right. so it doesn't necessarily mean that they're to want to get back with you, right? We're not saying that just because they're thinking about you, they're going to want to repair things or then they're going to come back. We can't say that, but we really feel like if you leave them alone, it's going to impact them and they have to sit with that. Right. And we say that all the time, because we just know how important it is that, you know, you may be tempted to reach out, but I think it's more powerful if you don't reach it.

Margaret (03:25):

That's right. And even if they broke up with you, I think you pointed out earlier today. Great. They're going to wonder why you didn't.

Craig (03:34):

Yeah. I mean, I think that it's more powerful for them to feel that loss that day. That's right. Don't you? Yeah. So when you're tempted to buy them a gift, reach out see how they're doing. Just know that they are thinking about you. And I think social media is, is changing that too. Like don't you think people are going to be looking at you on that day.

Victoria (03:59):

Yeah, definitely. And you have to remember that spending Valentine's day with your partner is a privilege. So once that relationship is over, you don't want to keep giving them that privilege, that you're always accessible to them, even on holidays and special days, like Valentine's day, you want to have them experience that loss. And of course, on social media, they're going to be scrolling, seeing what you're up to seeing what other people are up to. They're going to be exposed to the same amount of, let's say, love propaganda that you are. Exactly.

Craig (04:33):

Yeah. I, I think that it's just one of those things that they may not reach out or, and I don't think they will reach out for Valentine's day because it's overwhelming. Right. Right. Like, because it's like, if you reach out on Valentine's day, it's almost like saying, "I want to fix this". And I think that's going to be too big of a step for somebody

Margaret (04:54):

Don't do it.

Craig (04:55):

I think that, you know, you should just expect not to hear from them, but that not hearing from you will really hit their unconscious and be powerful to them. Right.

Victoria (05:08):

Because they probably expect to hear from you on that day, like you were saying Margaret. Right.

Margaret (05:12):

Yeah. And I have often said to people, remember who broke up with whom, right?

Craig (05:18):

Yeah. Because even if they don't want to hear from you, I think on some level they do want to hear it from you

Margaret (05:25):

Sure they do. Right. Or at least know that you still find them attractive and wonderful and all of those good things.

Craig (05:30):

They want them back. Yes. So, you know, I think it's safe to say that most of you will know in the back of your mind, your ex is gonna think about you. Of course, you know, some of you that may have been in like a situationship or something like that, maybe not. But even then I think you're going to at least come into their unconscious at some point during the day, because we cannot wait, wipe out close relationships. It's just so easy for a thought to pop up when you're not even thinking about it. Right.

Victoria (06:05):

And romance is not something that you share with everybody. It's something that you share with select people. It's rare. Yeah. So on a day, like Valentine's day where romantic feelings are at an all time high, of course, you know, romantic partners are going to come to their mind.

Craig (06:22):

Yeah. That chemistry that you had, that connection, that feeling of, you know, maybe how good the relationship was at its peak and how long, you know, all those things are going to come back to you. Right. So I think we all kind of agree that your ex will think about you at some point during the day and wonder what's going on with you, even if the relationship ended badly. Right. Absolutely. Yeah. So we just wanted to talk about that and reassure you that we know how awful it feels. We know you feel like they don't care about you. I've been there. Right. I've been in the situation completely convinced that that person wasn't thinking about me, but they often will admit later on, "I thought about you all the time". Right. How often do we hear that? Very often. Right. And, and you feel like there's no hope, but you don't know what they're doing behind closed doors.

Victoria (07:22):

Exactly. And it can be very hard to keep that emotional self control on a day, like Valentine's day, but just remember it's even more important on days, like Valentine's day to continue to no contact and to have that emotional self-control

Craig (07:36):

Control. Yeah. I think so. I think it's more powerful for your ex not to hear from you.

Margaret (07:40):

And to give your ex the benefit of getting in touch with all of their feelings.

Margaret (07:46):

But it's going to be an emotional day for them too. And of course, whether they show it or not, I don't think they would show it. They want to keep their guard up. But that doesn't mean behind closed doors, they're not feeling that loss right. Laying down at night, trying to fall asleep, thinking about it. Cause they know they made mistakes too. Sure. They know that they cause problems in that relationship to fail. Even if they're putting all the blame on you, they have to get to that point at some time. Right. So hopefully this makes you feel a little bit better about Valentine's day. And just knowing that there's a very good chance that they're thinking about you wondering how you are, wondering what's going on with you and that they're struggling with that day too. Right? Okay. Hopefully you found this video helpful. And of course, if you want to get our help personally, just go to my website,, sign up for the coaching option that works best for you.

Women NEED To Wonder About You

I'm going to be talking to about women need to wonder about you. So this is really important to understand time and space in dating and in relationships. But especially when you're dating somebody new and they don't know a lot about you. It seems like lately I've had a lot of people in my Skype calls asking me questions about dating and navigating, especially if they're coming out of a longterm relationship, they haven't dated in a long time and they don't know what to do. So this is going to be a really important video for you guys, because one of the biggest things that I see men do, especially early in dating, is coming on too strong and not being a challenge. Let me say that again, coming on too strong and not being a challenge. So a lot of our behavior in dating and relationships has to do with our self worth and our self esteem.

Craig (01:53):

We all want a secure partner, because if you think about it, secure partners are trusting. They're patient. They're understanding they're easy going. They're fun. They're good at communicating. They often like intimacy. It's just ideal. They're supportive. They're confident, really they're confident. And so when a secure guy is single, he's going to display those behaviors when he's dating, right? So he's going to take his time to get to know people. He's going to recognize his value. And he's going to look for what he considers to be his best option. Now you have insecure people and of course we're all insecure in our own ways, but the more insecure you are, the more behaviors you're going to display. That is a turnoff. So think about it. The insecure people always get anxious, or even avoidant because they feel so overwhelmed by the closeness. But anxiety often causes us to do really unattractive behavior. We get angry. We lash out, we get manipulative, we get controlling, we lose our temper. We lose emotional self control. Sometimes we get manipulative and controlling. We don't listen. And we're generally not fun to be around. Right? And the more often we do it, the more our partners aren't going to want to be around us. So you also have to think if you're doing a lot of these behaviors, you can't retain emotional self control. You are a danger to that person. Now they're scared of you. They feel threatened by you because you could lose your temper and hurt them. So you got to be aware that when you behave like that, women by nature are going to be scared. They're not going to want to be close to you. They're going to want to stay distant from you. They can't trust you. Okay. So insecure guys often don't I believe that they have any value, right?

Craig (04:19):

So when you believe that, and you're scared of that, you act in that way, especially the preoccupied anxious people. What happens with them is for some reason that anxiety wants to take over and make us control that person to keep them with us. And then that just makes them want to run and leave the situation. So one of the things that I see all the time is that women are more drawn to avoidant men. And you know, the guys that are considered jerks, you know, that are players. Why? Well, I think part of it has to do with, they display a confident kind of behavior. Now, in many ways, they're not confident, but because they're independent, it looks like they are this confidence self-assured person. When reality they're really terrified of any kind of connection or commitment. And they're likely to leave the woman and hurt the woman whereas the preoccupied, anxious guys are often working harder to make the relationship work. The more caring, the more considerate. Now, of course, there's, you know, a continuum here and the more anxious you are, you're not going to be as caring and considerate. But I tend to find that more anxious guys are thoughtful and trying to be there for the women. Sometimes it's too much. Sometimes it's actually overwhelming. And they don't like that. Okay. Now, guys, you got to understand that if you don't correct this, if you don't really work on becoming a more secure person, these behaviors are going to come out. Especially in time. In the beginning, you might be able to put on a show and you know, do your best behaviors. But in time they're gonna see right through it because women know how to weed out guys fast. Here's a simple technique. They could do. Not even a technique. They take their time replying to some guys. If she senses you're anxious, she might stop replying to you or taking a long time because she wants to see what you do. Do you leave her alone or do you continue to reach out, reach out, reach out. And then she's like, Oh boy, here. She could see right through it. And then next thing you know, she loses interest. Some guys, like I said earlier, come on strong in the beginning that it turns women off. You might be one of these guys telling women that you want to marry them before you've even met them. You should hear how many women tell me guys are doing this on their dating sites. They're Oh, I love you. I want to get engaged. I want to marry you. I want to move to be with you. Haven't even met. But think about what that saying about you. You know what I mean? Like how much value do you really have to do that? So coming on too strong is one of the fastest ways to turn a woman off. So I got an email from a guy that I did a Skype with not that long ago. And he wanted to ask me some questions based on what was going on with this situation now. So he said, hi, Craig, hope you and Margaret are doing well. I originally came to you with a different breakup in the spring. I just wanted to tell you the call was really helpful. And I learned a lot. I started seeing a new Ooh girl right away. She and I were dating for about four months when she started to lose interest, we were never official, so we are technically in a breakup situation. In our Skype, we were talking about dating. And you were talking about getting women to think about you and wonder what is going on with you. I wanted to give you an update on what's going on since our call. You are right when you said that dating seemed to be overwhelming for me and brings out my insecurities. I really had no idea how much I didn't know about dating and relationships. It actually didn't even hit me about what you told me until this new relationship fell apart as well. So even though we the call, he didn't have that aha moment that we get when we figure things out until another relationship fell apart and then it probably hit him. Wow, I am really insecure. And I got to do something about that. Thanks to you. I realize I have an anxious attachment style and I'm working on that. Your knowledge workbooks are actually helping me a lot, but I am still learning. So I still get anxious and confused. I actually do get a lot of questions about the workbooks and the only place you can get them is on my website. Askcraig.Net. You just click on the little tab that says workbooks. I have one through five, and then I have the elite series six through 10, or you could get the whole bundle one through 10 and save cause I have it at a discount. So let me go on here. He said, you said that because I've been so available that women are losing interest and then I'm not being any kind of challenge. But I had no idea that was even wrong. I thought I was supposed to be texting girls all the time in order to get her to like me. And when I like a girl a lot, I want to tell her, well, you know, I could totally understand what you feel like that when I was younger, I didn't understand this.

Craig (10:27):

My mom and dad didn't sit me down and explain dating in any way. I think both of them were clueless. But you know, I navigated in the similar fashion. I thought you wanted to text someone all the time. I thought you wanted to talk to them all the time and you know, spend hours on the phone and tell somebody how you feel. But there are negative consequences to that. Okay. And that's why it's so important. That one I'm telling you, you stay disciplined with the girls that you like. See oftentimes with the girls we're not too crazy about. It's easy to behave in a natural way where you're not coming on too strong. But when we really liked somebody and we fantasize about who they are or what might happen with us, we come on so strong. And it's so important that you do these strategies with those people otherwise you mess up with the people that you're really hoping for a shot with. So when you come on too strong and you tell a girl that you like her so quickly, she doesn't wonder about things anymore. There's no mystery. There's no excitement. There's no laying her head on the pillow at night and thinking, I wonder if he's going to call me again. I wonder when he's going to text me. I wonder if he had a good time. You put all the cards out on the table with somebody that you don't really know. And you know, if you tell someone you liked them a lot right away, it doesn't really give them an opportunity to showcase who they are to show their personality and the qualities they could bring to the table. Right? Because you're, you're just like, well, you know, we went out two times, let's be exclusive. It's Whoa, I like you a lot. Okay. But you don't really know them. Right? It's really important. You understand that. And when you're willing to give up being singled to be in a committed relationship, it's like, you know, you're throwing away your value if you don't really know that person, because in other words, you have tons of options. And you're saying I'm giving up all those options for you. Even though we barely know each other. And we just started dating a couple of weeks ago. I think you got to take your time because you want to show, Hey, I got plenty of options. Show me why would be a good fit. I'll show you. You show me, it's gotta be both people trying to show each other. And if you're jumping all in, when you don't really know somebody, it doesn't really give a, a chance for both of you guys to do that.

Craig (13:13):

There's another way to look at it. Let's say you're looking for a job. And the first place you get interviewed hires you at minimum wage. Well, if you just accept minimum wage without looking at what the other offers are, then you're going to be settling for less. You want to go to a place where you're going to get your full value, but if you say, okay, I'll take minimum wage. That's all you're going to get. And it looks eager. It looks needy. Now, if you believe that you have true value, you're going to say, you know what? I'm going to have to think about it. That's less than what I was expecting. And this is what I'm going to need for a salary. And if you guys can't do that, I think I'm going to have to go elsewhere. You see, you know, your value and you're acting accordingly. It's really important that you do that. That is what secure guys do in relationships. They're not going to jump into something with somebody that are really know they're going to take their time. They're going to be confident that if this isn't the right person, I'm going to see who else might be. Alright, let me go on with the email. He said, I feel like I'm doing something wrong with my dating life. This really messes me up because when I see a girl is on social media all the time, like Snapchat or Instagram, I assume she's talking with other guys all the time and not me. So I feel like I have to keep up with those guys. Or she will wind up liking them more. It makes me really anxious so I can't help but message her. Okay? What you can help but message her. You got to take your time. Let her think about you. Let her wonder what you're doing. Let her think about the time in between your dates to wonder how life is going for you. You know, if you're texting all the time, you're not going to have much to say when you're in person, you've said everything. Plus the excitement that comes with texting somebody new will get boring and it will fade away and then there'll be less attracted, right? Cause they won't be thinking about you as much. So you've got to think about these things. You want to take a girl out, have a great time, get to know her, show her who you are, see what you guys have in common. See if you guys would be a good fit and then you set another date in like another week. You don't want to text all day long. It gets boring. They lose interest, not as exciting. And then they start wondering about those guys that aren't texting them all day long. Believe it or not. He goes on to say, as you may remember with the girl I was dating, we were talking every day. At first things were going really good.

Craig (16:23):

Once we started hooking up, it was good for a few months. She seemed to like me. I would message her in the morning. And then probably a bunch of times throughout the day, I thought it was going good. And I probably didn't realize it wasn't until her texts were getting shorter in length. And she was taking longer to answer. Then the last time I asked her to get together, she says, she's not sure what she wants right now. And started making excuses not to see me. The first time was when she canceled on a date that I thought was all set. Her reason was that she was too tired from work. I was shocked. I said, but we have plans to go to dinner. She said, no, I told you it should work, but I would call you when I got out of work. Now I'm calling you on my way home from work and I'm not up for it tonight. So was that rude? Well, they didn't have definite plans, but maybe she was testing him because he was coming on so strong and wanted to see what he was going to do. Is he going to get all upset or is he going to say, okay, you know, I didn't really like that. You're canceling last minute. I thought we had plans, but fine. You know, contact me when you're free something more casual and relaxed, you know? But he says, I got really upset on the phone with her. I tried to hold it in, but she knew I was mad. Yup. This is why guys you want to make sure you have definite dates. You have a definite time, a place, a plan in place. And it's confirmed. You don't want to settle for, we'll see or maybes. Because a lot of times they're just going to cancel on you to make matters worse. She posted on Instagram a few hours later with friends. I was so pissed. I deleted her off Instagram. Well, if she was testing you, you walked right into that trap and you failed it because he got angry. You got upset. And then you deleted her. How is a woman supposed to feel safe if you're going to get upset over things like that? It's not easy to get to this place to get secure, confident, but it's really where you want to be.

Craig (18:59):

She actually texted me in the morning and asked me if I had deleted her. Oh, she knew she saw, I tried to lie it first and played dumb, but I couldn't tell where I could tell she didn't believe me. So I told her the truth. Well, at least he told the truth. She probably knows you were trying to lie. But again, it goes and chose a reflection of how insecure you are. After that day. She started making other excuses. She was sick, busy work with work, et cetera. Well, you know, if somebody is going to start making excuses and not as excited or eager to see you don't be as excited or eager to see them either. You don't want to be all in on somebody. Who's obviously making excuses like I'm tired. I don't know if she was tired or she just wanted to go out with her friends or she really was tired and she got so annoyed by you that she decided to go out with friends, who knows. So I stopped reaching out. I've been working on the knowledge every day, but I know I still have a lot to learn. After about two weeks of leaving her alone, she messaged me and hinted that she was free one evening, you see, you gave her some time and some space to wonder about what was going on. If you had lost interest, if you had forgotten about her or just said, I'm moving forward. And then she reached out, she wouldn't have reached out and hinted if she was completely done with you.

Craig (20:49):

So I invited her to hang out. We actually did and had a really good time. Now she's going away with her family. And she said, she'll be back in about two weeks. Should I reach out to her on the trip or wait until she gets home? Okay. Well, if I was in that situation, I would probably see if she reaches out to you before her trip. And if she does say, Hey, have a great time with your family, have a lot of fun. And let me know. When you get back in town, we could get together. You can tell me all about it and just let her do her thing right now. You know, if she wants to contact you on the trip, she will. But the last thing you want to do is start contacting her. Cause you miss her on the trip. And then she gets annoyed. She says, Oh well, I'm with my family right now. Why are you reaching out? You know, I'm coming home in a week or whatever it is. So you want to give her some time she wants to reach out to you when she's on the trip. Great. If not, she'll probably reach out when she gets home. Okay? But guys, you really do have to display confidence and give people the opportunity to choose you as well. Let them think about you. Let them wonder about you. You reach out, you set a date, you make a definite date, time place, all that stuff. How are you going to meet? Have a great time. And then you try and set up a date for the next week. And if she reaches out to you, great, but don't spend all day on the phone, texting or calling. You want to have fun in person. That's really where you're going to convey your personality and you're going to have a great time with them.

My Ex Doesn't Follow Me BUT Stalks My Stories

Today we're going to be talking about, my ex doesn't follow me, but they stalk my stories. Oh man. Oh, this happens a lot. And we're going to be talking about that today, but I did want to let you guys know that we do have these brand new phone cases, as you can see, I got coach Margaret here to Supreme leader and Craig's logo. Yup. And you could get that on our Teespring store. If you're interested, just search coach Craig Kenneth on the Teespring store and you'll find them there. There's also a tee shirt with Margaret on there with the same picture Supreme leader and a mug for all you guys have been asking for merchandise, we finally got some ready for you. So check them out. You can take us with you wherever you go.

Craig (01:32):

There you go. So let's talk about this Margaret Instagram and stalking on Instagram and Facebook stories is absolutely huge in the age of social media. And of course there will be new avenues to stalk people in the next couple of years. And somebody sent me an email asking about this. They said, hello, coach Craig. I've been watching your channel for about three months. And I have to say you and Margaret are the best. Not only have you helped me feel much better about my breakup, but you taught me more about healthy relationships than my parents. Well, I'm so glad I wanted to say that I have been doing the work, 20 to 30 minutes on the workbooks every day and I feel so much better. I have all 10 and I'm so proud of myself. I feel like I'm actually doing something about fixing my issues. I feel like I'm going to school, but learning about myself. So thank you. I have one question. My girlfriend broke up with me about four months ago. I haven't heard from her since we initially broke up at the time. She told me that she doesn't see any reason to have any contact anymore. She said she didn't want to talk about anything and unfollowed and removed me from her followers. However, I do notice that she watches my Instagram stories. Almost every time I post them, I don't get it. She says she doesn't want anything to do with me, but still stalks me. I see your confusion. Yeah. They said, this is really confusing. Does this mean she still cares about me? Does she want to get back together? Well, I would definitely say that getting back together would be a huge leap. That would be a leap. But if for me, her behavior is telling me she's interested in enough in you enough to look on a fairly regular basis. And you know what? The Instagram stories, she knows that he can see that she's watching. So she's brave enough to do it, knowing that he knows that she's watching all these times, because it sounds like it's happening on a pretty consistent basis. It's not like it happened once and it hasn't happened in a few months. It sounds like it's maybe on a regular basis here. Like maybe once or twice a week or something like that. But it is certainly what one would call a mixed message. It is. Yeah. She says to him, you know, I don't see any reason why we should be in contact anymore yet. She's watching to see what you're doing.

Margaret (04:27):

Right. and people do give off mixed messages as human beings. We often do that. Sometimes our brain and our heart don't catch up with each other all at the same time. Would it meet the level of indirect direct?

New Speaker (04:42):

No, because there's nothing direct about it.

Margaret (04:45):

Yeah. It's indirect, indirect. It's indirect indirect.

New Speaker (04:48):

They haven't made any kind of actual effort or contact to contact you, but let them watch. And I mean, certainly the behavior says the person still has some interests. Absolutely. Yeah. Your actions are telling you something there or her actions are telling you something right there. If they truly had no interest, they wouldn't leave. Well, they wouldn't look. They just wouldn't care. Right. But the fact that they look says they care at least somewhat.

Margaret (05:18):

Right. I learned a long time ago that if words say one thing and behavior says the other, the behavior speaks louder. Absolutely.

Craig (05:30):

Or as I sometimes say, actions speak louder than words. It's very similar. But yeah, I mean, she can tell you all that. She wants how she doesn't care if she doesn't want to talk to you, but she's doing something to see what you're doing to stay connected with you, to see what's going on in your life. And she, and she knows, you know. Yeah. So she's sending you a very, very mixed, it is a big mixed message and just allow her to continue to watch. You don't have to hide anything. Nope. If she wants to reach out, she will, you know, it might be one of those things where she's like, I I'm frustrated. I want to know what he's doing, you know, but she's by herself and she cracks and she looks, and then afterwards she's like, I shouldn't have looked.

Margaret (06:18):

And besides he knows.

Craig (06:20):

They looked at now, he knows, I left, Oh my God. Now she's embarrassed. Right. So, but let her find the courage to do the indirect direct approach, which I'm sure is what someone would do. She's going to move in steps. Yeah, exactly. She'll go from indirect and direct to a little more directly. It's a little bit more direct and that's when you can do something about it. But it's common even for ex's that tell you, they're not interested. They're never going to date you again. All of a sudden who's looking at your statuses on Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat and feelings change as you pointed out often. That's right. Because you know, at the time she had said to you, she didn't see a reason to continue having contact, but clearly that's at least changed in some degree, I guess she found one.

Craig (07:11):

Yeah, exactly. Right. so this is not a surprise to me. I see things like this all the time where exes cut you off. They don't want to talk to you. They defriend, you, they block you, now they're unblocking you.

Margaret (07:26):

And you feel like all is lost. Yeah.

New Speaker (07:28):

Yeah. But you know, they do something in the moment. They're emotional, they're upset, they're confused. And in time they can process things. They can think about it. They can deal with it. And a lot of times they come back into your life and want to revisit and they want to see where you're at, what you're doing and the more you've done to grow and change, the more likely they're going to be like, wow. I mean, this is incredible. How much you've changed in such a short amount of time. And that's a lot more attractive to them.

Margaret (08:01):

Yeah. But consider yourself ever so slightly flattered. Yeah. Person. Didn't forget you.

Craig (08:07):

That's true. Yeah. You guys always worried if they forgot you, not if they're looking at your stories, not if they're looking at your stuff. Absolutely. All right. So hopefully this makes you guys feel a little bit better and clears that up a little bit for you.

What If My Ex Doesn't Reach Out NOW? Does that mean they're over me? NO!

In this video, I'm going to be talking to about what if my ex doesn't reach out now? Does that mean they're over me? Well, obviously there's a lot going on in the world right now. We've got a big health pandemic going on. A lot of people are scared. A lot of people are anxious and stressed. There's a lot of financial issues going on and you're already overwhelmed with the breakup. And now you have all of this stress going on where you're worried about your health or your friends and family's health. It's pretty tough right now. And it's really difficult to go through a breakup, especially in a situation that we haven't seen since we've started the channel. It's been interesting for us to see how this has been affecting breakups. I did a little poll on my Instagram a few hours ago before I filmed this and I'll share the results of the question I asked in regards to hearing from your ex.

Craig (01:42):

But I just wanted to give you an update on what's going on with the channel. As many of you guys may know Margaret and I live in the Orlando area and right now in our area there, of course, practicing social distancing, and most stores are closed right now, except for what's been deemed as essential, like grocery stores and pharmacies. So we've been pretty much isolated and we are safe. So you guys can relax that we are doing everything that we need to do to make sure that we're both safe. Obviously, I'm more concerned about Margaret and making sure she is safe and isolated and she is so, but that's not why she's not here right now. I wanted to give you an update. Okay. Margaret and I already had a feeling that this was coming. I had a suspicion that things would happen probably a month ago when I started seeing it happen in other places.

Craig (02:50):

So I planned for that with her and we have filmed a bunch of other videos. They are ready to go. They're already edited and uploaded. So you're gonna see videos coming out with Margaret and I for probably another month or so with the both of us. And they're already filmed before this social distancing and people were supposed to be leaving their homes and such. So don't worry. Now this evening, a few hours before I filmed this video, I did a poll on my Instagram. And I asked if you had heard from your ex not heard from your ex or heard from other actors, but not this previous one. Okay. And as of right now, the results actually surprised me a little bit. There were 251 people that have answered as of right now. And if you guys go on my Instagram and answer the poll, I'll update it when you do that.

Craig (03:56):

Okay so as, as of now, 85, people had heard from their ex out of 251. So that was pretty good. I was actually surprised. I, I didn't think that many people would reach out. So 85 had heard from their ex's 251, 105 51 had not heard from their ex and 16 people had heard from an ex, but that the most recent ex, which kind of shows that people don't forget about you. We say it all the time. You have other ex's reaching out and please feel free to leave comments in the comments section if you've heard from your ex or if you haven't, or if you've had, have heard from previous sessions cause we want to know. Uh so if you go on my Instagram and answer the poll, I'll put a, whatever the final results are. So you guys can see yourself.

Craig (04:56):

But very interesting. I did not think that many people would reach out or use the Corona virus as an excuse to reach out, but they did. So that's a good sign. Now, a lot of you guys haven't heard from your ex and you're terrified I get it. I understand how hard this is. I know you're really scared and your feelings are probably really hurt. I was thinking about this and you must just feel like, well, if they're not reaching out when a crisis, like this is going on, they just don't care about me. They don't want to talk to me anymore. I'm never going to hear from them again. I simply don't think that's true. I really don't because the way people are in a breakup in a lot of situations is, if they're not ready to talk to you, they're not gonna do it.

Craig (05:54):

I don't know what your particular situation is. You might be in a place that is really struggling with it. You might be in an isolated place that hasn't had many issues come up. Yet. Many of you are hoping that they're going to care enough about you to reach out, cause they're afraid for your safety. But the reality is there probably not that scared for your safety right now. Okay. Doesn't mean they don't care, but just because they haven't, it doesn't mean that they won't reach out in the future. I really, we believe that because I just see how breakups go. A lot of the times where you could even be in like a car accident. Now, maybe it's not something major, but maybe they see on social media, you've been in a car accident and you've broken your ankle and you've sprained your arm or something like that.

Craig (06:51):

They might not even reach out for something like that. It's just this phase or place that your ex's in, that they feel like they've got to cut contact with you. Okay. They feel like they want, want to cut contact you, or they need to cut contact with you, whatever that person is going through. You know, it's a little bit different for everybody. I just know that, you know, if I was going through a breakup you know, years ago and my ex didn't reach out, I would be hurt. I would be sad. I would be disappointed. I would just feel more hopeless that the situation wasn't going to turn around, but I just know that sometimes something like this, even isn't gonna make them reach out. They have to go through whatever they're going through for whatever reason it is. And I know that's hard.

Craig (07:54):

And some of you, people may be angry about that. Some of you may say, well, you know what? If they don't reach out to me now, then I don't ever want to hear from them again. Hey, that's your right. If you feel like that, that's okay. You don't have to forgive them. You don't have to take them back if you don't want to. And you can just move forward. But I don't think it's as bad as it feels for you. Okay. And I wouldn't be surprised if even though many of you haven't heard from your ex right now that you won't hear from them and probably a month or several months down the line, when they've had time to process this and deal with this. I mean, you have to remember, they're scared, they're frustrated. They might be dealing with work issues or family issues with family members that have health issues or their own health issues, whatever they're going through too.

Craig (08:56):

Or maybe they're just at this point, focusing on somebody else and thinking that somebody else is going to be the most amazing person in the world. And they probably will argue and fight if they're quarantined together. You know, I'm going to be interested in seeing how people make it through a quarantine Ccuse that's going to be really stressful too. And we just don't know the effects of this yet. But I did want you to know that just because they haven't reached out yet, it doesn't mean that they're not thinking about you. It doesn't mean that they won't ever change their mind in the future. I know it's scary right now and it's stressful and we're all dealing with some issues. But if anything, I have found that more people reached out because of this, then I actually thought would, so make sure you go to my Instagram and vote because the story won't last forever, you got to get that in there.

Craig (09:57):

And I will post the final results when I get them. I'll put them on my Instagram on a story or I'll put them just as a post so you can see it there, but we're going to be okay. I know it may cause a major disruption for a lot of us, but you just have to stay home. That was the perfect time to work on yourself. Those of you have the knowledge workbooks, do them. There's tons of content. There's more than enough to get you through this quarantine and then some, and just take it easy, find any way that you can to find peace during the stressful time. And remember that we have plenty of videos that are already filmed and edited, uploaded, ready to go with Margaret and myself for at least another month or so, depending upon how often I release videos, but I will let you know that when we have started filming again so that way you guys don't think that we're not social distancing and taking care of ourselves over here. So I hope you guys feel a little bit better after this. And I just wanted to keep you updated on how the videos will be released for us.